


Must go finish packing now… FLORIDA tomorrow!


Cause I just feel the need to share with the world how much I love my best friend…


This is Kayci.

If you read one of my previous posts about sending love to all the men in my life, that perfect little diatribe (word of the week!) was written by this gorgeous girl right here. This photo is from a studio shoot we did in the fall while I was interning at a studio in the area.

This girl has a way with words that I simply cannot describe (because unlike her I am not great at that sort of thing). She is a great friend, always there when I need to vent or have life talks. She keeps me real when it comes to  boys, fame, etc.

I’m so blessed that 4 years ago God brought us together (She’ll appreciate that little shoutout to the Lord). And in that time I’ve come to realize in a few months I don’t know what I’m going to do without her.

Oh yeah, did I mention all the amazing adventures we’ve had together?
First there’s DC & the inauguration. There’s the countless NYC trips. The photoshoots, coffee dates, shopping sprees, church events, clubs, long car rides. I mean, we’ve even spent the last two Valentine’s Days together (with our favorite third wheel Bob Ritchie), and if that’s not a best friend, I don’t know what is!

New York City

So, I just wanted to proclaim my love for this girl. And also share with you her hilarity of today (if that is even a word? she’d know)…

Who’s your favorite photographer?
😀 My favorite photographer is Julia Silva. When that girl has a camera in her hand she’s more of a super hero than Frederick Douglass & Hercules combined. I’ve actually been lucky enough to meet her once, and it was one of those surreal, I-cannot-believe-THE-Julia-Silva-is-standing-three-feet-away-from-me-and-atleast-for-this-moment-knows-my-name moments. I’m pretty sure I embarrassed myself, but what can I say, I’m a huge fan.
I’m not very well versed in photography (I just play around with my nikon), so I can’t fully describe her super powers to you.
But you should check her out for yourself 😀 if you can look at her work and not fall in love, i’d double check to make sure you still have a soul, cause this girl is no joke. http://www.flickr.com/photos/xjulia/2951014204/

I know this is formspring we’re talking about and its supposed to be anonymous and all but when she got one I couldn’t resist asking a few. And her answers just crack me up.

can we go to nyc soooooooooon please?! by jaysilv
yes. hahah we’re the same person
I had JUST planned out my tweet for next monday when you guys get back, it will read as follows:
“@jaysilv @jackieee5 my redheaded, blonde counter parts, now that youre all black from the florida sun, LETS DO SOMETHING THIS WEEKEND! soho?”
It’s exactly 140 characters. Get on my level.

How can you not love her?! ❤

Seeing Red

So I’m trying to keep up with this and post as often as possible. Or I guess when I actually have something interesting to write. Hmm… actually, none of this is probably really interesting to anyone but me. But I’ll write for me then, cause I dig it and ok wow, I’m stopping rambling now. The end.

Caught Red Handed

This is a good friend of mine, Kaitlyn. We’re in a digital photography class together at school & had an assignment of “figures of speech”.
I chose Caught Red Handed.
I like the way it turned out, although its semi-washed out looking, so I’m probably gonna have to go in and fix that. But its simple & gets the point across. And really that’s all I can ask for.

Tonight I died my hair red. I’m diggin’ it.

Also it was one of those weird random throwbacks sorta days. First with my friend & she was completely freaked out by it. Then I had some random blasts from  the past and mourned a few friendships lost.
All in all it was an interesting evening.

I also wore a supes cute outfit today and had iced coffee and it was great.
The End.

Goin’ to the Wolves


It started with the car ride up. (She was driving. We’re so safe, I know..)

Top Of The World

We stopped at a random scenic overlook and pretended we were on top of the world.


Then we posed like best friends do.

Winter Coat

Then we saw WOLVES!


Wolf Pack

Bobby the Bobcat

And then some bobcats too!

And really that’s about it. It was great to go on a mini roadtrip with my best bud & see some gorgeous animals! Totally wanna go back soon!

To the men in my life…

A good friend of mine sent me a cute little note after some recent intense life talks in various long car rides.

She wrote …
“As much as our love lives suck in their own respective ways, we’ve got to be greatful for the awesome guys that we’ve had in our lives so far… friends, cousins, dads, grandpas, teachers, mentors, all of them. If we didn’t have guys who had seen us as valuable and worthy of chivalry and respect, we’d have no idea that we are. We’d settle for nastiness like that’s all we’re worth. I want to give every guy who’s gone out of their way to let me know that I’m a princess who deserves to be treated like a queen, a huge hug.”

I couldn’t have put this any better. So to all the guys who have treated me the way I deserve and to all the guys I’ve never met who treat the women in their lives with the uttmost respect, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Without you, every girl would be completely broken.
And to all the girls out there who have given up on finding this guy, hold tight, he’ll come, maybe just when you least expect it. But don’t settle, you deserve the world – every girl deserves her prince charming!  

That’s my little love talk for today, inspired by those beautiful words above from a dear friend.  Thanks for listening!

WordPress for BlackBerry!

So I downloaded the App finally. Hoping this works and then I’ll likely start posting a lot more.
I’m also planning on using this to post my blackberry camera phone photography project. I’ll clue ya in on that one in the next post. Just wanna make sure this is working, hense the posted picture of me. Its gross I know I apologize.

So… I’m Back!

I know I haven’t used this blog in a long time. I sort of gave up on blogging, then played the Tumblr game for a hot second and now decided I need a real blog again. So I’m going to attempt to keep up with this.
I figure its probably the best place to showcase my photography, projects I’m working on, rant/share about my life, etc. 
So I’m going to work on getting up lots of new stuff here ASAP.
Also going to try to get the WordPress BlackBerry app downloaded and use that for a sort of “BlackBerry photography” project I’ve been wanting to do.
So keep checking back, and I’ll try to post lots of exciting stuff, frequently.

Also, as a quick update on me right now:
Just got my tonsils removed 2 weeks ago and have been attempting to recover since then. (If you didn’t know the older you have that surgery, the worse & more painful it is, so its been quite the battle.)  
As a result of two weeks of being out of school, I have a TON of work to makeup and that may temporarily hinder my blogging time for a bit. But I’m going to try to keep this up, and see where it will take me!

personal twitter – http://twitter.com/jaysilv
photography twitter – http://twitter.com/jsilvaphoto
flickr – http://www.flickr.com/photos/xjulia/
tumblr (still sort of use it as inspiration finder) – http://jaysilv.tumblr.com/
formspring (in case you got questions) – http://www.formspring.me/jaysilv

Merry Christmas, Baby

happy holidays!

Hope you all had a great holiday & got to spend some quality time with your families & friends, thats really what its all about.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

I miss…

I miss the fall, it’s my favorite.
oh, how i love the fall

Magical Forest

I also miss the beach.

And being able to walk around barefoot!

I miss this trip infinitely.
epic sunset, perfect weekend

And I miss summer sunsets like these.
summer sunsets


I miss these people…

I miss this place.
sunday night drumming circle

And I miss this city, a lot.
new york city christmas

And this city too.

Most of all I miss feeling like this.

