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Summer: An Epic

Although I won’t be moving in for another 15 days or so, summer has basically come to a close for me at this point. All of my closest friends are all already off at their respective colleges, making new friends, starting classes, eating cafeteria food and experiencing dorm life. Jackets and boots are popping up in all the store windows, and pumpkin spice lattes have made their comeback in Starbucks across the nation. Although a recent heat wave has made its way to the Jersey Shore, fall is lurking around the corner.

This is me 🙂

Don’t get me wrong, I love fall. I would even go as far as saying its my absolute favorite season. But the thought of the summer of my 18th year coming to a close makes me sort of sad, and also kind of scares the shit out of me. I mean in a short 15 days I will be in a completely new city, with totally new people. I am going to be in charge of me. I’ll be the one who will make sure I eat, get my laundry done, make it to class on time. Mom won’t be there to nag me to pick up my clothes or anything else for that matter, which may sound super cool and all, but really it scares the crap out of me.
But as I sit here, in my local Starbucks, sipping my PSL and whining about the impending doom/amazing-ness of college I can’t help but look back and reminisce about how fab-o my summer really was. Although it ended way too soon and with far too many goodbye (nay, “see you laters”) it was pretty much jam packed with crazy fun adventures and my best friends and really, what more can you ask for from your summer between the end of high school and beginning of college?!

Go on if ya wanna see some highlights of my summer ❤ …


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Its scary to think 2 weeks from today I will be graduating high school. I can seriously remember my high school orientation like it was yesterday. And the first days of my high school career, a totally new school with totally new people from all over the county. And now those random kids are some of the best friends I’ve ever had. Its kinda crazy to think about. I’ve come so far in the past 4 years and I can honestly say as much as its driven me insane at points, that has a lot to do with my decision to go to CHS. I’m happy at the point where I am in my life right now and I can honestly say I wouldn’t change a thing.

I legitimately have some of the best friends in the world ❤

I’m excited to see what the next four years have in store for me!

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I’m super bad at blogging usually. My apologies. So here’s a quick update…

This is my buddy Samantha, she’s super pretty and I love her.
This past weekend we went up to Bamboozle together (with our buddy Christina). I was working, taking pictures for Six Barrel Hooliguns Clothing. It was super fun! We got a hotel one of the nights and the other night we watched This Is It. We had lots of Dunkin and saw super chill bands all weekend and went to the Girl Talk dance party and had loads of fun! I miss it!

Here’s some more fun pictures of Sam and some randoms of me. Enjoy!

(Waaay too dark, and just weird, but she looks adorable)


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Yay, Disney!

Like I mentioned in my last post, I spent my Spring Break in Florida. The end of my trip was spent in Disney, where I also got to see some good friends who were over from England. (Whom I hopefully am going to go visit on their turf this summer, fingers crossed!) Here are a few pictures!



The last shot is from the Beauty and the Beast show. We have a good family friend who happens to be in that show (not as Gaston, though) and so we got to see it from VIP seats. I felt so legit. In all the times I’ve been to Disney, I’ve never been a VIP so it was a pretty awesome experience. If you get the chance to, GO SEE THIS SHOW. Its definitely one of my favorites of all the parks, and fun fact: Beauty and the Beast was always my favorite movie as a kid, I’d watch it then make my mom rewind it and watch over and over again. Love it!

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New York
One of my favorite buildings in NYC ❤

I’m currently sitting in traffic about a half-hour from home after smooth sailing through the past 7 (give or take?) states, on the drive home from Florida. I’ve spent the last week traveling all over the Southern State from Miami to Sarasota to Tampa to Orlando. This is probably the 75th time I’ve heard Ke$ha in the last 24 hours and I really just want to get home and see my puppy. I have been super slacking on the blog front but will have many photos to update with soon from my trip. In the mean time…

Random street photography in Washington Square Park, NYC
Washington Square Park

Kayci in front of the infamous yellow wall…

Jackie hanging on the boardwalk in Asbury…

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So quick update… today was the first gorgeous day of what I hope to be many.

So I went to Asbury Park and sat on a bench on the boardwalk by myself and watched the waves crashing in and out and it was a nice, much needed, time of reflection and relaxation.

I also took some pictures so go on to see them all & some other stuff I’m digging on as of recent…


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I feel like I haven’t taken a photograph that I’m instantly and completely 100% in love with in a long time. It’s sort of bumming me out. I mean, this is what I dream of doing for the rest of my life and right now I just feel so bleh about it. I keep blaming it on the weather. I know that’s just an excuse and I just have to get back out there and fall in love with photography all over again. I’m kinda hoping this digital photography class I’m taking right now in school is going to help spur that action, also combined with spring (which is hopefully around the corner).


Here’s a “cosmetic studio portrait” of my best friend Jacqueline that I took for the class. I’m not completely sold…

On another random side note, seeing people my age around where I live garnering fame and success before they even graduate makes me feel a bit anxious about what I’m doing with myself and my life right now. I mean my “peers” are finding themselves internationally published, accepted to the top schools in the world, signed to major record labels, winning awards all over the nation and what am I doing?! Nothing too important. I feel like I’m having a mid-life crisis at 18. This is just sad.

Maybe right now its just one of those nights where I’m kinda bummin’ and need to just get some sleep, but alas I can’t do that because I still have more homework to finish. I sort of just want this year to be over, so I can graduate and move on. Although I have mixed feelings about that too. But that’s a tale for another day. For now I’ll stop rambling and get to finishing my work with hopes to get some shut-eye before “dark-o-clock” as a favorite teacher of mine (cough, Ms. Gesin, cough) likes to call it.

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ps – I did not take this, I just love it!

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Jersey Shore Takes Tampa <3

We decided to mess with all the Floridians and act super Jersey Shore… GUIDETTE PRINCESSES!!

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So, basically my last few weekends have been pretty amazing! (Minus when I was on my deathbed via tonsil-extraction, which wasn’t very fun…) And at this point I’m just sorta lovin’ life. I have some pictures to update you with soon, nothing especially stimulating photographically, just fun snapshots of what I’ve been up to, etc.
I just got back from a weekend in Tampa with my best friend and it was amazing and I’m not stoked to be back in the freeeeezing NJ weather. Nor am I excited about school. But oh wells. Just wanted to update quick. I’ll try and get something fun up tomorrow with pictures. Let’s see how that goes!

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